Register Files

class uvm.reg.uvm_reg_file.UVMRegFile(name='')[source]

Bases: UVMObject

configure(blk_parent, regfile_parent, hdl_path='')[source]

Function: configure Configure a register file instance

Specify the parent block and register file of the register file instance. If the register file is instantiated in a block, regfile_parent is specified as None. If the register file is instantiated in a register file, blk_parent must be the block parent of that register file and regfile_parent is specified as that register file.

If the register file corresponds to a hierarchical RTL structure, its contribution to the HDL path is specified as the hdl_path. Otherwise, the register file does not correspond to a hierarchical RTL structure (e.g. it is physically flattened) and does not contribute to the hierarchical HDL path of any contained registers.

extern function void configure (uvm_reg_block blk_parent,

uvm_reg_file regfile_parent, string hdl_path = “”)

  • blk_parent

  • regfile_parent

  • hdl_path


Group: Introspection

Function: get_name Get the simple name

Return the simple object name of self register file.

Function: get_full_name Get the hierarchical name

Return the hierarchal name of self register file. The base of the hierarchical name is the root block.

extern virtual def string get_full_name(self):



extern virtual def uvm_reg_block get_block (self):


add_hdl_path(path, kind='RTL')[source]

Function: add_hdl_path Add an HDL path

Add the specified HDL path to the register file instance for the specified design abstraction. This method may be called more than once for the same design abstraction if the register file is physically duplicated in the design abstraction

extern def void add_hdl_path (self,string path, string kind = “RTL”):

  • path

  • kind