Source code for uvm.reg.uvm_reg_field

#   Copyright 2004-2009 Synopsys, Inc.
#   Copyright 2010-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
#   Copyright 2010-2011 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
#   Copyright 2013 Semifore, Inc.
#   Copyright 2019 Tuomas Poikela
#   All Rights Reserved Worldwide
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
#   "License"); you may not use this file except in
#   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
#   the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
#   writing, software distributed under the License is
#   distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
#   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
#   the License for the specific language governing
#   permissions and limitations under the License.
#    TODO add modifications

from typing import Dict

from ..base.uvm_object import UVMObject
from ..base.uvm_globals import uvm_report_error, uvm_report_warning
from ..base.uvm_resource_db import UVMResourceDb
from ..macros.uvm_object_defines import uvm_object_utils
from ..macros.uvm_message_defines import uvm_error
from .uvm_reg_model import (UVM_CHECK, UVM_FRONTDOOR, UVM_IS_OK, UVM_NOT_OK, UVM_NO_CHECK,
                            UVM_PREDICT_WRITE, uvm_fatal)
from .uvm_reg_item import UVMRegItem
from .uvm_reg_cbs import UVMRegFieldCbIter

NO_RAND_SET = {"RO", "RC", "RS", "WC", "WS",
        "W1C", "W1S", "W1T", "W0C", "W0S", "W0T",
        "W1SRC", "W1CRS", "W0SRC", "W0CRS", "WSRC", "WCRS",
        "WOC", "WOS"}

KNOWN_ACCESSES = ["RO", "RW", "RC", "RS", "WC", "WS", "W1C", "W1S", "W1T",
        "W0C", "W0S", "W0T", "WRC", "WRS", "W1SRC", "W1CRS", "W0SRC", "W0CRS",
        "WSRC", "WCRS", "WO", "WOC", "WOS", "W1", "WO1"]

#constraint uvm_reg_field_valid {
#   if (`UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH > self.m_size) {
#      value < (`UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH'h1 << self.m_size)
#   }

[docs]class UVMRegField(UVMObject): """ Field abstraction class A field represents a set of bits that behave consistently as a single entity. A field is contained within a single register, but may have different access policies depending on the address map use the access the register (thus the field). """ m_max_size = 0 m_policy_names = {} # type: Dict[str, int] m_predefined = False def __init__(self, name='uvm_reg_field'): """ This method should not be used directly. The `UVMRegField.type_id.create()` factory method should be used instead. Args: name: (str): Name of the register field """ UVMObject.__init__(self, name) self.value = 0 # Mirrored after randomize() self.m_mirrored = 0 # What we think is in the HW self.m_desired = 0 # Mirrored after set() self.m_access = "" self.m_parent = None # uvm_reg self.m_lsb = 0 self.m_size = 0 self.m_volatile = False self.m_reset = {} # string -> uvm_reg_data_t self.m_written = False self.m_read_in_progress = False self.m_write_in_progress = False self.m_fname = "" self.m_lineno = 0 self.m_cover_on = 0 self.m_individually_accessible = False self.m_check = UVM_CHECK # uvm_check_e if UVMRegField.m_predefined is False: UVMRegField.m_predefined = UVMRegField.m_predefine_policies()
[docs] def configure(self, parent, size, lsb_pos, access, volatile, reset, has_reset, is_rand, individually_accessible): """ Instance-specific configuration Specify the `parent` register of this field, its `size` in bits, the position of its least-significant bit within the register relative to the least-significant bit of the register, its `access` policy, volatility, "HARD" `reset` value, whether the field value is actually reset (the `reset` value is ignored if `FALSE`), whether the field value may be randomized and whether the field is the only one to occupy a byte lane in the register. See `set_access` for a specification of the pre-defined field access policies. If the field access policy is a pre-defined policy and NOT one of "RW", "WRC", "WRS", "WO", "W1", or "WO1", the value of `is_rand` is ignored and the rand_mode() for the field instance is turned off since it cannot be written. Args: parent (UVMReg): Parent register. size (int): Size of the field in bits lsb_pos (int): LSB position of the field. access (str): Access of the fields (ie "RW" or "RO") volatile (bool): reset: has_reset (bool): is_rand (bool): individually_accessible (bool) """ self.m_parent = parent if size == 0: uvm_report_error("RegModel", "Field \"{}\" cannot have 0 bits".format(self.get_full_name())) size = 1 self.m_size = size self.rand('value', range(1 << size)) self.m_volatile = volatile self.m_access = access.upper() self.m_lsb = lsb_pos self.m_cover_on = UVM_NO_COVERAGE self.m_written = False if volatile: self.m_check = UVM_NO_CHECK else: self.m_check = self.m_check self.m_individually_accessible = individually_accessible if has_reset: self.set_reset(reset) else: UVMResourceDb.set("REG::" + self.get_full_name(), "NO_REG_HW_RESET_TEST", 1) self.m_parent.add_field(self) if not (self.m_access in UVMRegField.m_policy_names): uvm_report_error("RegModel", ("Access policy '" + access + "' for field '" + self.get_full_name() + "' is not defined. Setting to RW")) self.m_access = "RW" if size > UVMRegField.m_max_size: UVMRegField.m_max_size = size # Ignore is_rand if the field is known not to be writeable # i.e. not "RW", "WRC", "WRS", "WO", "W1", "WO1" if access in NO_RAND_SET: self.is_rand = False
#if not is_rand: # self.value.rand_mode(0) #--------------------- # Group: Introspection #---------------------
[docs] def get_full_name(self): """ Get the hierarchical name Return the hierarchal name of this field The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. Returns: str: Full hier name (including parent's name) """ return self.m_parent.get_full_name() + "." + self.get_name()
[docs] def get_parent(self): """ Get the parent register Returns: UVMReg: Parent register of this field """ return self.m_parent
[docs] def get_register(self): """ Get the parent register Returns: UVMReg: Parent register of this field """ return self.m_parent
[docs] def get_lsb_pos(self): """ Return the position of the field Returns the index of the least significant bit of the field in the register that instantiates it. An offset of 0 indicates a field that is aligned with the least-significant bit of the register. Returns: int: LSB position of this field """ return self.m_lsb
[docs] def get_n_bits(self): """ Returns the width, in number of bits, of the field. Returns: int: Width of the field in bits """ return self.m_size
[docs] @classmethod def get_max_size(cls): """ Function: get_max_size Returns the width, in number of bits, of the largest field. Returns: int: Width of largest field """ return UVMRegField.m_max_size
[docs] def set_access(self, mode): """ Modify the access policy of the field Modify the access policy of the field to the specified one and return the previous access policy. The pre-defined access policies are as follows. The effect of a read operation are applied after the current value of the field is sampled. The read operation will return the current value, not the value affected by the read operation (if any):: "RO" - W: no effect, R: no effect "RW" - W: as-is, R: no effect "RC" - W: no effect, R: clears all bits "RS" - W: no effect, R: sets all bits "WRC" - W: as-is, R: clears all bits "WRS" - W: as-is, R: sets all bits "WC" - W: clears all bits, R: no effect "WS" - W: sets all bits, R: no effect "WSRC" - W: sets all bits, R: clears all bits "WCRS" - W: clears all bits, R: sets all bits "W1C" - W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect "W1S" - W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect "W1T" - W: 1/0 toggles/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect "W0C" - W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: no effect "W0S" - W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: no effect "W0T" - W: 1/0 no effect on/toggles matching bit, R: no effect "W1SRC" - W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: clears all bits "W1CRS" - W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: sets all bits "W0SRC" - W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: clears all bits "W0CRS" - W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: sets all bits "WO" - W: as-is, R: error "WOC" - W: clears all bits, R: error "WOS" - W: sets all bits, R: error "W1" - W: 1st W after ``HARD`` reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: no effect "WO1" - W: 1st W after ``HARD`` reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: error "NOACCESS" - W: no effect, R: no effect It is important to remember that modifying the access of a field will make the register model diverge from the specification that was used to create it. Args: mode (str): Mode from the list above. Returns: """ set_access = self.m_access self.m_access = mode.upper() if self.m_access not in UVMRegField.m_policy_names: uvm_error("RegModel", "Access policy '" + self.m_access + "' is not a defined field access policy") self.m_access = set_access return set_access
[docs] @classmethod def define_access(cls, name): """ Define a new access policy value Because field access policies are specified using string values, there is no way for SystemVerilog to verify if a specific access value is valid or not. To help catch typing errors, user-defined access values must be defined using this method to avoid begin reported as an invalid access policy. The name of field access policies are always converted to all uppercase. Returns TRUE if the new access policy was not previously defined. Returns FALSE otherwise but does not issue an error message. Args: cls: name: Returns: bool: False if name already exists, True on success. """ if not UVMRegField.m_predefined: UVMRegField.m_predefined = UVMRegField.m_predefine_policies() name = name.upper() if name in UVMRegField.m_policy_names: return False UVMRegField.m_policy_names[name] = 1 return True
[docs] @classmethod def m_predefine_policies(cls): """ Internal function which creates the predefines policies. """ if UVMRegField.m_predefined is True: return True UVMRegField.m_predefined = True UVMRegField.define_access("RO") UVMRegField.define_access("RW") UVMRegField.define_access("RC") UVMRegField.define_access("RS") UVMRegField.define_access("WRC") UVMRegField.define_access("WRS") UVMRegField.define_access("WC") UVMRegField.define_access("WS") UVMRegField.define_access("WSRC") UVMRegField.define_access("WCRS") UVMRegField.define_access("W1C") UVMRegField.define_access("W1S") UVMRegField.define_access("W1T") UVMRegField.define_access("W0C") UVMRegField.define_access("W0S") UVMRegField.define_access("W0T") UVMRegField.define_access("W1SRC") UVMRegField.define_access("W1CRS") UVMRegField.define_access("W0SRC") UVMRegField.define_access("W0CRS") UVMRegField.define_access("WO") UVMRegField.define_access("WOC") UVMRegField.define_access("WOS") UVMRegField.define_access("W1") UVMRegField.define_access("WO1") return True
[docs] def get_access(self, reg_map=None): """ Get the access policy of the field Returns the current access policy of the field when written and read through the specified address `map`. If the register containing the field is mapped in multiple address map, an address map must be specified. The access policy of a field from a specific address map may be restricted by the register's access policy in that address map. For example, a RW field may only be writable through one of the address maps and read-only through all of the other maps. If the field access contradicts the map's access value (field access of WO, and map access value of RO, etc), the method's return value is NOACCESS. Args: reg_map: Returns: """ field_access = self.m_access from .uvm_reg_map import UVMRegMap if reg_map == UVMRegMap.backdoor(): return field_access # Is the register restricted in this reg_map? rights = self.m_parent.get_rights(reg_map) if rights == "RW": # No restrictions return field_access elif rights == "RO": if field_access in ["RW", "RO", "WC", "WS", "W1C", "W1S", "W1T", "W0C", "W0S", "W0T", "W1"]: field_access = "RO" elif field_access in ["RC", "WRC", "W1SRC", "W0SRC", "WSRC"]: field_access = "RC" elif field_access in ["RS", "WRS", "W1CRS", "W0CRS", "WCRS"]: field_access = "RS" elif field_access in ["WO", "WOC", "WOS", "WO1"]: field_access = "NOACCESS" elif rights == "WO": field_access = "NOACCESS" if field_access == 'RW' or field_access == 'WO': field_access = "WO" else: field_access = "NOACCESS" fname = "" if reg_map is not None: fname = reg_map.get_full_name() uvm_report_warning("RegModel", ("Register '" + self.m_parent.get_full_name() + "' containing field '" + self.get_name() + "' is mapped in reg_map '" + fname + "' with unknown access right '" + self.m_parent.get_rights(reg_map) + "'")) return field_access
[docs] def is_known_access(self, _map=None): """ Check if access policy is a built-in one. Returns TRUE if the current access policy of the field, when written and read through the specified address `map`, is a built-in access policy. Args: _map: Returns: """ acc = self.get_access(_map) if acc in KNOWN_ACCESSES: return 1 return 0
[docs] def set_volatility(self, volatile): """ Function: set_volatility Modify the volatility of the field to the specified one. It is important to remember that modifying the volatility of a field will make the register model diverge from the specification that was used to create it. Args: volatile: """ self.m_volatile = volatile
[docs] def is_volatile(self): """ Function: is_volatile Indicates if the field value is volatile UVM uses the IEEE 1685-2009 IP-XACT definition of "volatility". If TRUE, the value of the register is not predictable because it may change between consecutive accesses. This typically indicates a field whose value is updated by the DUT. The nature or cause of the change is not specified. If FALSE, the value of the register is not modified between consecutive accesses. Returns: bool: True if field volatile (see the definition above) """ return self.m_volatile
[docs] def set(self, value, fname="", lineno=0): """ -------------- Group: Access -------------- Set the desired value for this field It sets the desired value of the field to the specified `value` modified by the field access policy. It does not actually set the value of the field in the design, only the desired value in the abstraction class. Use the `UVMReg.update` method to update the actual register with the desired value or the `UVMRegField.write` method to actually write the field and update its mirrored value. The final desired value in the mirror is a function of the field access policy and the set value, just like a normal physical write operation to the corresponding bits in the hardware. As such, this method (when eventually followed by a call to `UVMReg.update`) is a zero-time functional replacement for the `UVMRegField.write` method. For example, the desired value of a read-only field is not modified by this method and the desired value of a write-once field can only be set if the field has not yet been written to using a physical (for example, front-door) write operation. Use the `UVMRegField.predict` to modify the mirrored value of the field. Function: set Args: value: fname: lineno: """ mask = (1 << self.m_size)-1 self.m_fname = fname self.m_lineno = lineno if value >> self.m_size: uvm_report_warning("RegModel", "Specified value (0x{}) greater than field \"{}\" size ({} bits)".format( value, self.get_name(), self.m_size)) value = value & mask if self.m_parent.is_busy(): uvm_report_warning("UVM/FLD/SET/BSY", ("Setting the value of field \"{}\" while containing" + "register \"{}\" is being accessed may result in loss of desired field value. " + "A race condition between threads concurrently accessing the register model is " + "the likely cause of the problem.").format( self.get_name(), self.m_parent.get_full_name())) if self.m_access == "RO": self.m_desired = self.m_desired elif self.m_access == "RW": self.m_desired = value elif self.m_access == "RC": self.m_desired = self.m_desired elif self.m_access == "RS": self.m_desired = self.m_desired elif self.m_access == "WC": self.m_desired = 0 elif self.m_access == "WS": self.m_desired = mask elif self.m_access == "WRC": self.m_desired = value elif self.m_access == "WRS": self.m_desired = value elif self.m_access == "WSRC": self.m_desired = mask elif self.m_access == "WCRS": self.m_desired = 0 elif self.m_access == "W1C": self.m_desired = self.m_desired & (~value) elif self.m_access == "W1S": self.m_desired = self.m_desired | value elif self.m_access == "W1T": self.m_desired = self.m_desired ^ value elif self.m_access == "W0C": self.m_desired = self.m_desired & value elif self.m_access == "W0S": self.m_desired = self.m_desired | (~value & mask) elif self.m_access == "W0T": self.m_desired = self.m_desired ^ (~value & mask) elif self.m_access == "W1SRC": self.m_desired = self.m_desired | value elif self.m_access == "W1CRS": self.m_desired = self.m_desired & (~value) elif self.m_access == "W0SRC": self.m_desired = self.m_desired | (~value & mask) elif self.m_access == "W0CRS": self.m_desired = self.m_desired & value elif self.m_access == "WO": self.m_desired = value elif self.m_access == "WOC": self.m_desired = 0 elif self.m_access == "WOS": self.m_desired = mask elif self.m_access == "W1": if self.m_written: self.m_desired = self.m_desired else: self.m_desired = value elif self.m_access == "WO1": if self.m_written: self.m_desired = self.m_desired else: self.m_desired = value else: self.m_desired = value self.value = self.m_desired
[docs] def get(self, fname="", lineno=0): """ Function: get Return the desired value of the field It does not actually read the value of the field in the design, only the desired value in the abstraction class. Unless set to a different value using the `UVMRegField.set`, the desired value and the mirrored value are identical. Use the `` or `UVMRegField.peek` method to get the actual field value. If the field is write-only, the desired/mirrored value is the value last written and assumed to reside in the bits implementing it. Although a physical read operation would something different, the returned value is the actual content. Args: fname: lineno: Returns: """ self.m_fname = fname self.m_lineno = lineno return self.m_desired
[docs] def get_mirrored_value(self, fname="", lineno=0): """ Function: get_mirrored_value Return the mirrored value of the field It does not actually read the value of the field in the design, only the mirrored value in the abstraction class. If the field is write-only, the desired/mirrored value is the value last written and assumed to reside in the bits implementing it. Although a physical read operation would something different, the returned value is the actual content. Args: fname: lineno: Returns: """ self.m_fname = fname self.m_lineno = lineno return self.m_mirrored
[docs] def reset(self, kind = "HARD"): """ Function: reset Reset the desired/mirrored value for this field. It sets the desired and mirror value of the field to the reset event specified by `kind`. If the field does not have a reset value specified for the specified reset `kind` the field is unchanged. It does not actually reset the value of the field in the design, only the value mirrored in the field abstraction class. Write-once fields can be modified after a "HARD" reset operation. Args: kind: """ if not kind in self.m_reset: return self.m_mirrored = self.m_reset[kind] self.m_desired = self.m_mirrored self.value = self.m_mirrored if kind == "HARD": self.m_written = False
[docs] def get_reset(self, kind="HARD"): """ Function: get_reset Get the specified reset value for this field Return the reset value for this field for the specified reset `kind`. Returns the current field value is no reset value has been specified for the specified reset event. Args: kind: Returns: """ if not kind in self.m_reset: return self.m_desired return self.m_reset[kind]
[docs] def has_reset(self, kind="HARD", delete=False): """ Function: has_reset Check if the field has a reset value specified Return TRUE if this field has a reset value specified for the specified reset `kind`. If `delete` is TRUE, removes the reset value, if any. Args: kind: delete: Returns: """ if kind not in self.m_reset: return False if delete: del self.m_reset[kind] return True
[docs] def set_reset(self, value,kind="HARD"): """ Function: set_reset Specify or modify the reset value for this field Specify or modify the reset value for this field corresponding to the cause specified by `kind`. Args: value: kind: """ self.m_reset[kind] = value & ((1 << self.m_size) - 1)
[docs] def needs_update(self): """ Function: needs_update Check if the abstract model contains different desired and mirrored values. If a desired field value has been modified in the abstraction class without actually updating the field in the DUT, the state of the DUT (more specifically what the abstraction class `thinks` the state of the DUT is) is outdated. This method returns TRUE if the state of the field in the DUT needs to be updated to match the desired value. The mirror values or actual content of DUT field are not modified. Use the `UVMReg.update` to actually update the DUT field. Returns: """ return (self.m_mirrored != self.m_desired) or self.m_volatile
# # // Task: write # // # // Write the specified value in this field # // # // Write ~value~ in the DUT field that corresponds to this # // abstraction class instance using the specified access # // ~path~. # // If the register containing this field is mapped in more # // than one address map, # // an address ~map~ must be # // specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). # // If a back-door access path is used, the effect of writing # // the field through a physical access is mimicked. For # // example, read-only bits in the field will not be written. # // # // The mirrored value will be updated using the `UVMRegField.predict` # // method. # // # // If a front-door access is used, and # // if the field is the only field in a byte lane and # // if the physical interface corresponding to the address map used # // to access the field support byte-enabling, # // then only the field is written. # // Otherwise, the entire register containing the field is written, # // and the mirrored values of the other fields in the same register # // are used in a best-effort not to modify their value. # // # // If a backdoor access is used, a peek-modify-poke process is used. # // in a best-effort not to modify the value of the other fields in the # // register. # // # extern virtual task write (output uvm_status_e status, # input uvm_reg_data_t value, # input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, # input uvm_reg_map map = null, # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input int prior = -1, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # // Task: read # // # // Read the current value from this field # // # // Read and return ~value~ from the DUT field that corresponds to this # // abstraction class instance using the specified access # // ~path~. # // If the register containing this field is mapped in more # // than one address map, an address ~map~ must be # // specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). # // If a back-door access path is used, the effect of reading # // the field through a physical access is mimicked. For # // example, clear-on-read bits in the field will be set to zero. # // # // The mirrored value will be updated using the `UVMRegField.predict` # // method. # // # // If a front-door access is used, and # // if the field is the only field in a byte lane and # // if the physical interface corresponding to the address map used # // to access the field support byte-enabling, # // then only the field is read. # // Otherwise, the entire register containing the field is read, # // and the mirrored values of the other fields in the same register # // are updated. # // # // If a backdoor access is used, the entire containing register is peeked # // and the mirrored value of the other fields in the register is updated. # // # extern virtual task read (output uvm_status_e status, # output uvm_reg_data_t value, # input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, # input uvm_reg_map map = null, # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input int prior = -1, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # # # // Task: poke # // # // Deposit the specified value in this field # // # // Deposit the value in the DUT field corresponding to this # // abstraction class instance, as-is, using a back-door access. # // A peek-modify-poke process is used # // in a best-effort not to modify the value of the other fields in the # // register. # // # // The mirrored value will be updated using the `UVMRegField.predict` # // method. # // # extern virtual task poke (output uvm_status_e status, # input uvm_reg_data_t value, # input string kind = "", # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # # # // Task: peek # // # // Read the current value from this field # // # // Sample the value in the DUT field corresponding to this # // abstraction class instance using a back-door access. # // The field value is sampled, not modified. # // # // Uses the HDL path for the design abstraction specified by ~kind~. # // # // The entire containing register is peeked # // and the mirrored value of the other fields in the register # // are updated using the `UVMRegField.predict` method. # // # // # extern virtual task peek (output uvm_status_e status, # output uvm_reg_data_t value, # input string kind = "", # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # # # // Task: mirror # // # // Read the field and update/check its mirror value # // # // Read the field and optionally compared the readback value # // with the current mirrored value if ~check~ is <UVself.m_check>. # // The mirrored value will be updated using the <predict()> # // method based on the readback value. # // # // The ~path~ argument specifies whether to mirror using # // the <UVM_FRONTDOOR> (<read>) or # // <UVM_BACKDOOR> (<peek()>). # // # // If ~check~ is specified as <UVself.m_check>, # // an error message is issued if the current mirrored value # // does not match the readback value, unless <set_compare> was used # // disable the check. # // # // If the containing register is mapped in multiple address maps and physical # // access is used (front-door access), an address ~map~ must be specified. # // For write-only fields, their content is mirrored and optionally # // checked only if a UVM_BACKDOOR # // access path is used to read the field. # // # extern virtual task mirror(output uvm_status_e status, # input uvm_check_e check = UVM_NO_CHECK, # input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, # input uvm_reg_map map = null, # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input int prior = -1, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # #
[docs] def set_compare(self, check=UVM_CHECK): """ Sets the compare policy during a mirror update. The field value is checked against its mirror only when both the `check` argument in `UVMRegBlock.mirror`, `UVMReg.mirror`, or `UVMRegField.mirror` and the compare policy for the field is `UVMRegField.m_check`. Args: check: """ self.m_check = check
[docs] def get_compare(self): """ Returns the compare policy for this field. Returns: """ return self.m_check
# // Function: is_indv_accessible # // # // Check if this field can be written individually, i.e. without # // affecting other fields in the containing register. # // #function bit uvm_reg_field::is_indv_accessible(uvm_path_e path, # uvm_reg_map local_map) # if (path == UVM_BACKDOOR) begin # `uvm_warning("RegModel", # {"Individual BACKDOOR field access not available for field '", # get_full_name(), "'. Accessing complete register instead."}) # return 0 # end # # if (!self.m_individually_accessible) begin # `uvm_warning("RegModel", # {"Individual field access not available for field '", # get_full_name(), "'. Accessing complete register instead."}) # return 0 # end # # // Cannot access individual fields if the container register # // has a user-defined front-door # if (self.m_parent.get_frontdoor(local_map) != null) begin # `uvm_warning("RegModel", # {"Individual field access not available for field '", # get_name(), "' because register '", self.m_parent.get_full_name(), "' has a user-defined front-door. Accessing complete register instead."}) # return 0 # end # # begin # uvm_reg_map system_map = local_map.get_root_map() # uvm_reg_adapter adapter = system_map.get_adapter() # if (adapter.supports_byte_enable) # return 1 # end # # begin # int fld_idx # int bus_width = local_map.get_n_bytes() # uvm_reg_field fields[$] # bit sole_field # # self.m_parent.get_fields(fields) # # if (fields.size() == 1) begin # sole_field = 1 # end # else begin # int prev_lsb,this_lsb,next_lsb; # int prev_sz,this_sz,next_sz; # int bus_sz = bus_width*8 # # foreach (fields[i]) begin # if (fields[i] == this) begin # fld_idx = i # break # end # end # # this_lsb = fields[fld_idx].get_lsb_pos() # this_sz = fields[fld_idx].get_n_bits() # # if (fld_idx>0) begin # prev_lsb = fields[fld_idx-1].get_lsb_pos() # prev_sz = fields[fld_idx-1].get_n_bits() # end # # if (fld_idx < fields.size()-1) begin # next_lsb = fields[fld_idx+1].get_lsb_pos() # next_sz = fields[fld_idx+1].get_n_bits() # end # # // if first field in register # if (fld_idx == 0 && # ((next_lsb % bus_sz) == 0 || # (next_lsb - this_sz) > (next_lsb % bus_sz))) # return 1 # # // if last field in register # else if (fld_idx == (fields.size()-1) && # ((this_lsb % bus_sz) == 0 || # (this_lsb - (prev_lsb + prev_sz)) >= (this_lsb % bus_sz))) # return 1 # # // if somewhere in between # else begin # if ((this_lsb % bus_sz) == 0) begin # if ((next_lsb % bus_sz) == 0 || # (next_lsb - (this_lsb + this_sz)) >= (next_lsb % bus_sz)) # return 1 # end # else begin # if ( (next_lsb - (this_lsb + this_sz)) >= (next_lsb % bus_sz) && # ((this_lsb - (prev_lsb + prev_sz)) >= (this_lsb % bus_sz)) ) # return 1 # end # end # end # end # # `uvm_warning("RegModel", # {"Target bus does not support byte enabling, and the field '", # get_full_name(),"' is not the only field within the entire bus width. ", # "Individual field access will not be available. ", # "Accessing complete register instead."}) # # return 0 # #endfunction
[docs] def predict(self, value, be=-1, kind=UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, path=UVM_FRONTDOOR, _map=None, fname="", lineno=0): """ Update the mirrored and desired value for this field. Predict the mirror and desired value of the field based on the specified observed `value` on a bus using the specified address `map`. If `kind` is specified as `UVM_PREDICT_READ`, the value was observed in a read transaction on the specified address `map` or backdoor (if `path` is `UVM_BACKDOOR`). If `kind` is specified as `UVM_PREDICT_WRITE`, the value was observed in a write transaction on the specified address `map` or backdoor (if `path` is `UVM_BACKDOOR`). If `kind` is specified as `UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT`, the value was computed and is updated as-is, without regard to any access policy. For example, the mirrored value of a read-only field is modified by this method if `kind` is specified as `UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT`. This method does not allow an update of the mirror (or desired) when the register containing this field is busy executing a transaction because the results are unpredictable and indicative of a race condition in the testbench. Returns TRUE if the prediction was successful. #function bit uvm_reg_field::predict (uvm_reg_data_t value, uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1, uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, uvm_path_e path = UVM_FRONTDOOR, uvm_reg_map map = null, string fname = "", int lineno = 0) Args: value: be (int): Byte-enable kind: path: _map (UVMRegMap): fname (str): lineno (int): Returns: """ rw = UVMRegItem() rw.value[0] = value rw.path = path = _map rw.fname = fname rw.lineno = lineno self.do_predict(rw, kind, be) # predict = (rw.status == UVM_NOT_OK) ? 0 : 1 if rw.status == UVM_NOT_OK: return 0 return 1
def _get_mask(self): return ((1 << self.m_size)-1)
[docs] def XpredictX(self, cur_val, wr_val, _map): """ /*local*/ extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t XpredictX (uvm_reg_data_t cur_val, uvm_reg_data_t wr_val, uvm_reg_map map) Args: cur_val: wr_val: _map: Returns: """ mask = self._get_mask() acc = self.get_access(_map) # case (get_access(map)) if acc == "RO": return cur_val elif acc == "RW": return wr_val elif acc == "RC": return cur_val elif acc == "RS": return cur_val elif acc == "WC": return 0 elif acc == "WS": return mask elif acc == "WRC": return wr_val elif acc == "WRS": return wr_val elif acc == "WSRC": return mask elif acc == "WCRS": return 0 elif acc == "W1C": return cur_val & (~wr_val) elif acc == "W1S": return cur_val | wr_val elif acc == "W1T": return cur_val ^ wr_val elif acc == "W0C": return cur_val & wr_val elif acc == "W0S": return cur_val | (~wr_val & mask) elif acc == "W0T": return cur_val ^ (~wr_val & mask) elif acc == "W1SRC": return cur_val | wr_val elif acc == "W1CRS": return cur_val & (~wr_val) elif acc == "W0SRC": return cur_val | (~wr_val & mask) elif acc == "W0CRS": return cur_val & wr_val elif acc == "WO": return wr_val elif acc == "WOC": return 0 elif acc == "WOS": return mask elif acc == "W1": if (self.m_written): return cur_val else: return wr_val elif acc == "WO1": if (self.m_written): return cur_val else: return wr_val elif acc == "NOACCESS": return cur_val else: return wr_val uvm_fatal("RegModel", "uvm_reg_field::XpredictX(): Internal error") return 0
#endfunction: XpredictX
[docs] def XupdateX(self): """ XupdateX Returns: """ # Figure out which value must be written to get the desired value # given what we think is the current value in the hardware XupdateX = self.m_desired # default action if self.m_access == "W1C": XupdateX = ~self.m_desired if self.m_access == "W1S": XupdateX = self.m_desired if self.m_access == "W1T": XupdateX = self.m_desired ^ self.m_mirrored if self.m_access == "W0C": XupdateX = self.m_desired if self.m_access == "W0S": XupdateX = ~self.m_desired if self.m_access == "W0T": XupdateX = ~(self.m_desired ^ self.m_mirrored) if self.m_access == "W1SRC": XupdateX = self.m_desired if self.m_access == "W1CRS": XupdateX = ~self.m_desired if self.m_access == "W0SRC": XupdateX = ~self.m_desired if self.m_access == "W0CRS": XupdateX = self.m_desired if self.m_access == "WO": XupdateX = self.m_desired if self.m_access == "WOC": XupdateX = self.m_desired if self.m_access == "WOS": XupdateX = self.m_desired if self.m_access == "W1": XupdateX = self.m_desired if self.m_access == "WO1": XupdateX = self.m_desired XupdateX = XupdateX & self._get_mask() return XupdateX
# /*local*/ # extern function bit Xcheck_accessX (input uvm_reg_item rw, # output uvm_reg_map_info map_info, # input string caller) # extern virtual task do_write(uvm_reg_item rw) # extern virtual task do_read(uvm_reg_item rw)
[docs] def do_predict(self, rw, kind=UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, be=-1): """ do_predict Args: rw (UVMRegItem): kind: be (int): Byte-enable Raises: """ field_val = rw.value[0] & self._get_mask() if rw.status != UVM_NOT_OK: rw.status = UVM_IS_OK # Assume that the entire field is enabled if (0x00000001 & be) == 0: raise Exception('DBG Early return field not enabled') self.m_fname = rw.fname self.m_lineno = rw.lineno # case (kind) if kind == UVM_PREDICT_WRITE: #UVMRegFieldCbIter cbs = new(this) cbs = UVMRegFieldCbIter(self) if rw.path == UVM_FRONTDOOR or rw.path == UVM_PREDICT: field_val = self.XpredictX(self.m_mirrored, field_val, self.m_written = True cb = cbs.first() while cb is not None: cb.post_predict(self, self.m_mirrored, field_val, UVM_PREDICT_WRITE, rw.path, cb = field_val &= self._get_mask() elif kind == UVM_PREDICT_READ: cbs = UVMRegFieldCbIter(self) if rw.path == UVM_FRONTDOOR or rw.path == UVM_PREDICT: acc = self.get_access( if acc in ["RC", "WRC", "WSRC", "W1SRC", "W0SRC"]: field_val = 0 # (clear) elif acc in ["RS", "WRS", "WCRS", "W1CRS", "W0CRS"]: field_val = self._get_mask() # all 1's (set) elif acc in ["WO", "WOC", "WOS", "WO1", "NOACCESS"]: return # TODO callbacks cb = cbs.first() while cb is not None: cb.post_predict(self, self.m_mirrored, field_val, UVM_PREDICT_READ, rw.path, cb = field_val &= self._get_mask() elif UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT: if self.m_parent.is_busy(): uvm_report_warning("RegModel", ("Trying to predict value of field '" + self.get_name() + "' while register '" + self.m_parent.get_full_name() + "' is being accessed")) rw.status = UVM_NOT_OK # endcase # update the mirror with predicted value self.m_mirrored = field_val self.m_desired = field_val self.value = field_val
[docs] def pre_randomize(self): # // Update the only publicly known property with the current # // desired value so it can be used as a state variable should # // the rand_mode of the field be turned off. self.value = self.m_desired
[docs] def post_randomize(self): self.m_desired = self.value
# //----------------- # // Group: Callbacks # //----------------- # `uvm_register_cb(uvm_reg_field, uvm_reg_cbs)
[docs] async def pre_write(self, rw): """ Called before field write. If the specified data value, access `path` or address `map` are modified, the updated data value, access path or address map will be used to perform the register operation. If the `status` is modified to anything other than `UVM_IS_OK`, the operation is aborted. The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing register. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. Args: rw (UVMRegItem): Reg item associated with write. """ #await uvm_zero_delay() pass
[docs] async def post_write(self, rw): """ Called after field write. If the specified `status` is modified, the updated status will be returned by the register operation. The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing register. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. Args: rw (UVMRegItem): Reg item associated with write. """ #await uvm_zero_delay() pass
[docs] async def pre_read(self, rw): """ Called before field read. If the access `path` or address `map` in the `rw` argument are modified, the updated access path or address map will be used to perform the register operation. If the `status` is modified to anything other than `UVM_IS_OK`, the operation is aborted. The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing register. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. Args: rw (UVMRegItem): Reg item associated with read. """ pass
[docs] async def post_read(self, rw): """ Task: post_read Called after field read. If the specified readback data or`status` in the `rw` argument is modified, the updated readback data or status will be returned by the register operation. The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing register. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. Args: rw (UVMRegItem): Reg item associated with read. """ pass
# extern virtual function void do_print (uvm_printer printer)
[docs] def convert2string(self): """ convert2string Returns: str: """ fmt = "" res_str = "" t_str = "" with_debug_info = False prefix = "" reg_ = self.get_register() convert2string = "" fmt = "{}'h%{}h".format(self.get_n_bits(), (self.get_n_bits()-1)/4 + 1) mirrored = "" if self.m_desired != self.m_mirrored: mirrored = (" (Mirror: " + fmt + ")").format(self.m_mirrored) convert2string = ("{} {} {}[{}:{}]=" + fmt + "{}").format(prefix, self.get_access(), reg_.get_name(), self.get_lsb_pos() + self.get_n_bits() - 1, self.get_lsb_pos(), self.m_desired, mirrored) if self.m_read_in_progress == 1: if self.m_fname != "" and self.m_lineno != 0: res_str = " from {}:{}".format(self.m_fname, self.m_lineno) convert2string = convert2string + "\n" + "currently being read" + res_str if self.m_write_in_progress == 1: if self.m_fname != "" and self.m_lineno != 0: res_str += " from {}:{}".format(self.m_fname, self.m_lineno) convert2string = convert2string + "\n" + res_str + "currently being written" return convert2string
# extern virtual function uvm_object clone() # extern virtual function void do_copy (uvm_object rhs) # extern virtual function bit do_compare (uvm_object rhs, # uvm_comparer comparer) # extern virtual function void do_pack (uvm_packer packer) # extern virtual function void do_unpack (uvm_packer packer) uvm_object_utils(UVMRegField) #//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #// IMPLEMENTATION #//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # #// m_predefined_policies # #typedef class uvm_reg_map_info # #// Xcheck_accessX # #function bit uvm_reg_field::Xcheck_accessX(input uvm_reg_item rw, # output uvm_reg_map_info map_info, # input string caller) # # # if (rw.path == UVM_DEFAULT_PATH) begin # uvm_reg_block blk = self.m_parent.get_block() # rw.path = blk.get_default_path() # end # # if (rw.path == UVM_BACKDOOR) begin # if (self.m_parent.get_backdoor() == null && !self.m_parent.has_hdl_path()) begin # `uvm_warning("RegModel", # {"No backdoor access available for field '",get_full_name(), # "' . Using frontdoor instead."}) # rw.path = UVM_FRONTDOOR # end # else # = uvm_reg_map::backdoor() # end # # if (rw.path != UVM_BACKDOOR) begin # # rw.local_map = self.m_parent.get_local_map(,caller) # # if (rw.local_map == null) begin # `uvm_error(get_type_name(), # {"No transactor available to physically access memory from map '", #,"'"}) # rw.status = UVM_NOT_OK # return 0 # end # # map_info = rw.local_map.get_reg_map_info(self.m_parent) # # if ( == null && map_info.unmapped) begin # `uvm_error("RegModel", {"Field '",get_full_name(), # "' in register that is unmapped in map '", #, # "' and does not have a user-defined frontdoor"}) # rw.status = UVM_NOT_OK # return 0 # end # # if ( == null) # = rw.local_map # end # # return 1 #endfunction # # #// write # #task uvm_reg_field::write(output uvm_status_e status, # input uvm_reg_data_t value, # input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, # input uvm_reg_map map = null, # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input int prior = -1, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # # uvm_reg_item rw # rw = uvm_reg_item::type_id::create("field_write_item",,get_full_name()) # rw.element = this # rw.element_kind = UVM_FIELD # rw.kind = UVM_WRITE # rw.value[0] = value # rw.path = path # = map # rw.parent = parent # rw.prior = prior # rw.extension = extension # rw.fname = fname # rw.lineno = lineno # # do_write(rw) # # status = rw.status # #endtask # # #// do_write # #task uvm_reg_field::do_write(uvm_reg_item rw) # # uvm_reg_data_t value_adjust # uvm_reg_map_info map_info # uvm_reg_field fields[$] # bit bad_side_effect # # self.m_parent.XatomicX(1) # self.m_fname = rw.fname # self.m_lineno = rw.lineno # # if (!Xcheck_accessX(rw,map_info,"write()")) # return # # self.m_write_in_progress = 1'b1 # # if (rw.value[0] >> self.m_size) begin # `uvm_warning("RegModel", {"uvm_reg_field::write(): Value greater than field '", # get_full_name(),"'"}) # rw.value[0] &= ((1<<self.m_size)-1) # end # # // Get values to write to the other fields in register # self.m_parent.get_fields(fields) # foreach (fields[i]) begin # # if (fields[i] == this) begin # value_adjust |= rw.value[0] << self.m_lsb # continue # end # # // It depends on what kind of bits they are made of... # case (fields[i].get_access(rw.local_map)) # // These... # "RO", "RC", "RS", "W1C", "W1S", "W1T", "W1SRC", "W1CRC": # // Use all 0's # value_adjust |= 0 # # // These... # "W0C", "W0S", "W0T", "W0SRC", "W0CRS": # // Use all 1's # value_adjust |= ((1<<fields[i].get_n_bits())-1) << fields[i].get_lsb_pos() # # // These might have side effects! Bad! # "WC", "WS", "WCRS", "WSRC", "WOC", "WOS": # bad_side_effect = 1 # # default: # value_adjust |= fields[i].m_mirrored << fields[i].get_lsb_pos() # # endcase # end # #`ifdef UVM_REG_NO_INDIVIDUAL_FIELD_ACCESS # rw.element_kind = UVM_REG # rw.element = self.m_parent # rw.value[0] = value_adjust # self.m_parent.do_write(rw); #`else # # if (!is_indv_accessible(rw.path,rw.local_map)) begin # rw.element_kind = UVM_REG # rw.element = self.m_parent # rw.value[0] = value_adjust # self.m_parent.do_write(rw) # # if (bad_side_effect) begin # `uvm_warning("RegModel", $sformatf("Writing field \"%s\" will cause unintended side effects in adjoining Write-to-Clear or Write-to-Set fields in the same register", this.get_full_name())) # end # end # else begin # # uvm_reg_map system_map = rw.local_map.get_root_map() # UVMRegFieldCbIter cbs = new(this) # # self.m_parent.Xset_busyX(1) # # rw.status = UVM_IS_OK # # pre_write(rw) # for (uvm_reg_cbs cb=cbs.first(); cb!=null; # cb.pre_write(rw) # # if (rw.status != UVM_IS_OK) begin # self.m_write_in_progress = 1'b0 # self.m_parent.Xset_busyX(0) # self.m_parent.XatomicX(0) # # return # end # # rw.local_map.do_write(rw) # # if (system_map.get_auto_predict()) # // ToDo: Call parent.XsampleX() # do_predict(rw, UVM_PREDICT_WRITE) # # post_write(rw) # for (uvm_reg_cbs cb=cbs.first(); cb!=null; # cb.post_write(rw) # # self.m_parent.Xset_busyX(0) # # end # #`endif # # self.m_write_in_progress = 1'b0 # self.m_parent.XatomicX(0) # #endtask: do_write # # #// read # #task uvm_reg_field::read(output uvm_status_e status, # output uvm_reg_data_t value, # input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, # input uvm_reg_map map = null, # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input int prior = -1, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # # uvm_reg_item rw # rw = uvm_reg_item::type_id::create("field_read_item",,get_full_name()) # rw.element = this # rw.element_kind = UVM_FIELD # rw.kind = UVM_READ # rw.value[0] = 0 # rw.path = path # = map # rw.parent = parent # rw.prior = prior # rw.extension = extension # rw.fname = fname # rw.lineno = lineno # # do_read(rw) # # value = rw.value[0] # status = rw.status # #endtask: read # # #// do_read # #task uvm_reg_field::do_read(uvm_reg_item rw) # # uvm_reg_map_info map_info # bit bad_side_effect # # self.m_parent.XatomicX(1) # self.m_fname = rw.fname # self.m_lineno = rw.lineno # self.m_read_in_progress = 1'b1 # # if (!Xcheck_accessX(rw,map_info,"read()")) # return # #`ifdef UVM_REG_NO_INDIVIDUAL_FIELD_ACCESS # rw.element_kind = UVM_REG # rw.element = self.m_parent # self.m_parent.do_read(rw) # rw.value[0] = (rw.value[0] >> self.m_lsb) & ((1<<self.m_size))-1 # bad_side_effect = 1 #`else # # if (!is_indv_accessible(rw.path,rw.local_map)) begin # rw.element_kind = UVM_REG # rw.element = self.m_parent # bad_side_effect = 1 # self.m_parent.do_read(rw) # rw.value[0] = (rw.value[0] >> self.m_lsb) & ((1<<self.m_size))-1 # end # else begin # # uvm_reg_map system_map = rw.local_map.get_root_map() # UVMRegFieldCbIter cbs = new(this) # # self.m_parent.Xset_busyX(1) # # rw.status = UVM_IS_OK # # pre_read(rw) # for (uvm_reg_cbs cb = cbs.first(); cb != null; cb = # cb.pre_read(rw) # # if (rw.status != UVM_IS_OK) begin # self.m_read_in_progress = 1'b0 # self.m_parent.Xset_busyX(0) # self.m_parent.XatomicX(0) # # return # end # # rw.local_map.do_read(rw) # # # if (system_map.get_auto_predict()) # // ToDo: Call parent.XsampleX() # do_predict(rw, UVM_PREDICT_READ) # # post_read(rw) # for (uvm_reg_cbs cb=cbs.first(); cb!=null; # cb.post_read(rw) # # self.m_parent.Xset_busyX(0) # # end # #`endif # # self.m_read_in_progress = 1'b0 # self.m_parent.XatomicX(0) # # if (bad_side_effect) begin # uvm_reg_field fields[$] # self.m_parent.get_fields(fields) # foreach (fields[i]) begin # string mode # if (fields[i] == this) # continue # mode = fields[i].get_access() # if (mode == "RC" || # mode == "RS" || # mode == "WRC" || # mode == "WRS" || # mode == "WSRC" || # mode == "WCRS" || # mode == "W1SRC" || # mode == "W1CRS" || # mode == "W0SRC" || # mode == "W0CRS") begin # `uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Reading field '",get_full_name(), # "' will cause unintended side effects in adjoining ", # "Read-to-Clear or Read-to-Set fields in the same register"}) # end # end # end # #endtask: do_read # # #// is_indv_accessible # # # #// poke # #task uvm_reg_field::poke(output uvm_status_e status, # input uvm_reg_data_t value, # input string kind = "", # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # uvm_reg_data_t tmp # # self.m_fname = fname # self.m_lineno = lineno # # if (value >> self.m_size) begin # `uvm_warning("RegModel", # {"uvm_reg_field::poke(): Value exceeds size of field '", # get_name(),"'"}) # value &= value & ((1<<self.m_size)-1) # end # # # self.m_parent.XatomicX(1) # self.m_parent.m_is_locked_by_field = 1'b1 # # tmp = 0 # # // What is the current values of the other fields??? # self.m_parent.peek(status, tmp, kind, parent, extension, fname, lineno) # # if (status == UVM_NOT_OK) begin # `uvm_error("RegModel", {"uvm_reg_field::poke(): Peek of register '", # self.m_parent.get_full_name(),"' returned status ",}) # self.m_parent.XatomicX(0) # self.m_parent.m_is_locked_by_field = 1'b0 # return # end # # // Force the value for this field then poke the resulting value # tmp &= ~(((1<<self.m_size)-1) << self.m_lsb) # tmp |= value << self.m_lsb # self.m_parent.poke(status, tmp, kind, parent, extension, fname, lineno) # # self.m_parent.XatomicX(0) # self.m_parent.m_is_locked_by_field = 1'b0 #endtask: poke # # #// peek # #task uvm_reg_field::peek(output uvm_status_e status, # output uvm_reg_data_t value, # input string kind = "", # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # uvm_reg_data_t reg_value # # self.m_fname = fname # self.m_lineno = lineno # # self.m_parent.peek(status, reg_value, kind, parent, extension, fname, lineno) # value = (reg_value >> self.m_lsb) & ((1<<self.m_size))-1 # #endtask: peek # # #// mirror # #task uvm_reg_field::mirror(output uvm_status_e status, # input uvm_check_e check = UVM_NO_CHECK, # input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, # input uvm_reg_map map = null, # input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, # input int prior = -1, # input uvm_object extension = null, # input string fname = "", # input int lineno = 0) # self.m_fname = fname # self.m_lineno = lineno # self.m_parent.mirror(status, check, path, map, parent, prior, extension, # fname, lineno) #endtask: mirror # # # #// do_print # #function void uvm_reg_field::do_print (uvm_printer printer) # printer.print_generic(get_name(), get_type_name(), -1, convert2string()) #endfunction # # # # #// clone # #function uvm_object uvm_reg_field::clone() # `uvm_fatal("RegModel","RegModel field cannot be cloned") # return null #endfunction # #// do_copy # #function void uvm_reg_field::do_copy(uvm_object rhs) # `uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel field copy not yet implemented") # // just a set(rhs.get()) ? #endfunction # # #// do_compare # #function bit uvm_reg_field::do_compare (uvm_object rhs, # uvm_comparer comparer) # `uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel field compare not yet implemented") # // just a return (get() == rhs.get()) ? # return 0 #endfunction # # #// do_pack # #function void uvm_reg_field::do_pack (uvm_packer packer) # `uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel field cannot be packed") #endfunction # # #// do_unpack # #function void uvm_reg_field::do_unpack (uvm_packer packer) # `uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel field cannot be unpacked") #endfunction #