Source code for uvm.macros.uvm_object_defines

from ..base.uvm_registry import UVMComponentRegistry, UVMObjectRegistry, uvm_report_warning
from import sv

from ..base.uvm_object_globals import (UVM_CHECK_FIELDS, UVM_COMPARE, UVM_COPY, UVM_DEFAULT,
                                       UVM_LOW, UVM_NOCOMPARE, UVM_NOCOPY, UVM_NONE, UVM_NOPACK,
                                       UVM_NOPRINT, UVM_NORECORD, UVM_PACK, UVM_PRINT, UVM_RADIX,
                                       UVM_READONLY, UVM_RECORD, UVM_REFERENCE, UVM_SETINT,
                                       UVM_SETOBJ, UVM_SETSTR, UVM_UNPACK)
from ..base.uvm_globals import uvm_report_info
from ..base.uvm_globals import uvm_is_match

[docs]def uvm_object_utils(T): Ts = T.__name__ m_uvm_object_registry_internal(T,Ts) m_uvm_object_create_func(T, Ts) m_uvm_get_type_name_func(T, Ts) m_uvm_object_repr_func(T, Ts) return T
[docs]def uvm_component_utils(T): #if not __name__ in T: # raise Exception("No __name__ found in {}".format(T)) Ts = T.__name__ m_uvm_component_registry_internal(T, Ts) m_uvm_get_type_name_func(T, Ts) return T
[docs]def m_uvm_get_type_name_func(T, Ts): setattr(T, 'type_name', Ts) def get_type_name(self): return Ts setattr(T, 'get_type_name', get_type_name)
[docs]def m_uvm_component_registry_internal(T,S): setattr(T, 'type_id', UVMComponentRegistry(T, S)) def type_id(): return T.type_id @classmethod def get_type(T): return T.type_id.get() setattr(T, 'get_type', get_type) def get_object_type(self): return T.type_id.get() setattr(T, 'get_object_type', get_object_type)
[docs]def m_uvm_object_registry_internal(T,S): setattr(T, 'type_id', UVMObjectRegistry(T, S)) def type_id(): return T.type_id @classmethod def get_type(T): return T.type_id.get() setattr(T, 'get_type', get_type) def get_object_type(self): return T.type_id.get() setattr(T, 'get_object_type', get_object_type)
[docs]def m_uvm_object_create_func(T,S): # pass def create(self, name=""): return T(name) setattr(T, 'create', create)
[docs]def m_uvm_object_repr_func(T,S): def __repr__(self): return T.convert2string(self) if hasattr(T, 'convert2string'): setattr(T, '__repr__', __repr__)
# Needed to make uvm_field_* macros work with similar args as in SV, # stores the class object of last uvm_object_utils_begin(...) __CURR_OBJ = None
[docs]def uvm_component_utils_begin(T): global __CURR_OBJ __CURR_OBJ = T uvm_component_utils(T) uvm_field_utils_start(T)
[docs]def uvm_component_utils_end(T): global __CURR_OBJ if __CURR_OBJ is not T: raise Exception('Expected: ' + str(__CURR_OBJ) + ' Got: ' + str(T)) else: __CURR_OBJ = None uvm_field_utils_end(T)
[docs]def uvm_object_utils_begin(T): global __CURR_OBJ __CURR_OBJ = T uvm_object_utils(T) uvm_field_utils_start(T)
[docs]def uvm_object_utils_end(T): global __CURR_OBJ if __CURR_OBJ is not T: raise Exception('Expected: ' + str(__CURR_OBJ) + ' Got: ' + str(T)) else: __CURR_OBJ = None uvm_field_utils_end(T)
[docs]def uvm_field_utils_start(T): # Create static member containers for var names and masks if not hasattr(T, "_m_uvm_field_names"): setattr(T, "_m_uvm_field_names", []) if not hasattr(T, "_m_uvm_field_masks"): setattr(T, "_m_uvm_field_masks", {}) def _m_uvm_field_automation(self, rhs, what__, str__): from ..base.uvm_object import UVMObject bases = T.__bases__ for Base in bases: if hasattr(Base, "_m_uvm_field_automation"): Base._m_uvm_field_automation(self, rhs, what__, str__) vals = T._m_uvm_field_names masks = T._m_uvm_field_masks _current_scopes = [] # uvm_object[$] T_cont = T._m_uvm_status_container T_cont_obj = UVMObject._m_uvm_status_container if what__ in [UVM_SETINT, UVM_SETSTR, UVM_SETOBJ]: if T_cont.m_do_cycle_check(self): return else: _current_scopes = T_cont.m_uvm_cycle_scopes # This part does the actual work if what__ == UVM_COPY: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] if not(mask_v & UVM_NOCOPY) and (mask_v & UVM_COPY != 0): v_attr = getattr(rhs, v) if hasattr(v_attr, "clone"): setattr(self, v, v_attr.clone()) else: setattr(self, v, v_attr) elif what__ == UVM_COMPARE: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] if not(mask_v & UVM_NOCOMPARE) and (mask_v & UVM_COMPARE != 0): v_attr_rhs = getattr(rhs, v) v_attr_self = getattr(self, v) # Try simple equality first if v_attr_rhs != v_attr_self: if isinstance(v_attr_self, int): T_cont.comparer.compare_field(v, v_attr_self, v_attr_rhs, 0) elif isinstance(v_attr_self, str): T_cont.comparer.compare_string(v, v_attr_self, v_attr_rhs, 0) elif hasattr(v_attr_self, "compare"): T_cont.comparer.compare_object(v, v_attr_self, v_attr_rhs) if (T_cont.comparer.result and T_cont.comparer.show_max <= T_cont.comparer.result): return elif what__ == UVM_PRINT: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] if not(mask_v & UVM_NOPRINT) and (mask_v & UVM_PRINT != 0): v_attr_self = getattr(self, v) if v_attr_self is None: continue if isinstance(v_attr_self, int): T_cont.printer.print_field(v, v_attr_self, sv.bits(v_attr_self), (what__ & UVM_RADIX)) elif isinstance(v_attr_self, UVMObject): if mask_v & UVM_REFERENCE: T_cont.printer.print_object_header(v, v_attr_self) else: T_cont.printer.print_object(v, v_attr_self) elif isinstance(v_attr_self, str): T_cont.printer.print_string(v, v_attr_self) else: raise Exception( "Print not implemented yet with field macros. val: " + str(v_attr_self)) elif what__ == UVM_SETINT: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] matched = False T_cont.scope.set_arg(v) matched = uvm_is_match(str__, T_cont.scope.get()) if matched: if mask_v & UVM_READONLY: uvm_report_warning("RDONLY", sv.sformatf("Readonly argument match %s is ignored", T_cont.get_full_scope_arg()), UVM_NONE) else: if T_cont.print_matches: uvm_report_info("STRMTC", "set_int()" + ": Matched string " + str__ + " to field " + T_cont.get_full_scope_arg(), UVM_LOW) val = UVMObject._m_uvm_status_container.bitstream setattr(self, v, val) T_cont.status = 1 T_cont.scope.unset_arg(v) elif what__ == UVM_SETSTR: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] T_cont.scope.set_arg(v) matched = uvm_is_match(str__, T_cont.scope.get()) if matched: if mask_v & UVM_READONLY: uvm_report_warning("RDONLY", sv.sformatf("Readonly argument match %s is ignored", T_cont.get_full_scope_arg()), UVM_NONE) else: if T_cont.print_matches: uvm_report_info("STRMTC", "set_int()" + ": Matched string " + str__ + " to field " + T_cont.get_full_scope_arg(), UVM_LOW) val = UVMObject._m_uvm_status_container.stringv setattr(self, v, val) T_cont.status = 1 elif what__ == UVM_SETOBJ: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] ARG = getattr(self, v) T_cont.scope.set_arg(v) if uvm_is_match(str__, T_cont.scope.get()): if mask_v & UVM_READONLY: uvm_report_warning("RDONLY", sv.sformatf("Readonly argument match %s is ignored", T_cont.get_full_scope_arg()), UVM_NONE) else: if T_cont.print_matches: uvm_report_info("STRMTC", "set_object()" + ": Matched string " + str__ + " to field " + T_cont.get_full_scope_arg(), UVM_LOW) #if sv.cast(ARG, T_cont_obj.object): if T_cont_obj.object is None: uvm_report_warning("UVM_SETOBJ NULL", sv.sformatf("Tried to set null obj to %s", T_cont.get_full_scope_arg()), UVM_NONE) setattr(self, v, T_cont_obj.object) T_cont_obj.status = True elif ARG is not None and (mask_v & UVM_READONLY == 0): cnt = 0 # Only traverse if there is a possible match. while cnt < len(str__): if (str__[cnt] == "." or str__[cnt] == "*"): break cnt += 1 if cnt != len(str__): T_cont.scope.down(v) ARG._m_uvm_field_automation(None, UVM_SETOBJ, str__) T_cont.scope.up() elif what__ == UVM_CHECK_FIELDS: for v in vals: T_cont.do_field_check(v, self) mask_v = masks[v] ARG = getattr(self, v) elif what__ == UVM_PACK: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] if not(mask_v & UVM_NOPACK): val = getattr(self, v) if isinstance(val, int): T_cont.packer.pack_field_int(val, sv.bits(val)) elif isinstance(val, UVMObject): T_cont.packer.pack_object(val) elif isinstance(val, str): T_cont.packer.pack_string(val) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type " + str(type(val)) + " for field automation") elif what__ == UVM_UNPACK: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] if not(mask_v & UVM_NOPACK): val = getattr(self, v) if isinstance(val, int): rhs = T_cont.packer.unpack_field_int(sv.bits(val)) elif isinstance(val, UVMObject): T_cont.packer.unpack_object(val) rhs = val elif isinstance(val, str): rhs = T_cont.packer.unpack_string() else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type " + str(type(val)) + " for field automation") setattr(self, v, rhs) elif what__ == UVM_RECORD: for v in vals: mask_v = masks[v] if not(mask_v & UVM_NORECORD): print("Recording now attr " + v) val = getattr(self, v) if isinstance(val, int): T_cont.recorder.record_field(v, val, 32) elif isinstance(val, UVMObject): T_cont.recorder.record_object(v, val) elif isinstance(val, str): T_cont.recorder.record_string(v, val) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type " + str(type(val)) + " for field automation") if what__ in [UVM_SETINT, UVM_SETSTR, UVM_SETOBJ]: _current_scopes.pop() T_cont.uvm_cycle_scopes = _current_scopes setattr(T, "_m_uvm_field_automation", _m_uvm_field_automation)
[docs]def uvm_field_utils_end(T): pass
[docs]def uvm_field_val(name, mask): if not hasattr(__CURR_OBJ, name): vals = getattr(__CURR_OBJ, "_m_uvm_field_names") masks = getattr(__CURR_OBJ, "_m_uvm_field_masks") vals.append(name) masks[name] = mask else: raise Exception('uvm_field_val(): ' + str(__CURR_OBJ) + ' does not have property named ' + name)
[docs]def uvm_field_int(name, mask=UVM_DEFAULT): uvm_field_val(name, mask)
[docs]def uvm_field_string(name, mask=UVM_DEFAULT): uvm_field_val(name, mask)
[docs]def uvm_field_object(name, mask=UVM_DEFAULT): uvm_field_val(name, mask)
[docs]def uvm_field_aa(name, mask=UVM_DEFAULT): uvm_field_val(name, mask)
[docs]def uvm_field_aa_string_string(name, mask=UVM_DEFAULT): uvm_field_aa(name, mask)